Overall, this is very promising and definitely worth the money, but it has some serious and basic limitations that, if addressed, would make it about 10x better. First, allow filtering out the vosotros form - most Spanish speakers outside of Spain dont use it and classes in the Americas generally omit it, so it really clutters things up and is very annoying. Second, allow filtering out specific tenses. Students often want to focus on the basic tenses (presente, preterite, imperfecto, futuro, subjunctivo) and the trainer adds a number of secondary tenses (afirmativo, negativo, condicional) that are not as important. This makes it much harder to focus on the basic conjugations and get a decent command of them. Third, include in the help a basic description of what each tense is; someone who cant remember what the difference between imperfecto and preterite is would really benefit from that. Finally, and this is actually a serious problem, give this app its own icon. The last version was named "Loro"; I went looking for an update and ended up accidentally buying another app, also from Prometoys - their word trainer which appears to now be called "Loro" and this one is called "Conjugation". The good news is, I liked that app and didnt mind spending the $10 for it - but you really cant have two different apps with the same icon. On the plus side, the new interface uses actual pronouns (él, élla, etc) instead of "form 3, form 5" and uses the Spanish names for tenses rather than English names for tenses they are like (which helps, as some dont actually map between the two languages) and those fixes are both much appreciated.
drdallas about Spanish Verb Conjugation Trainer